Getting outside is a great way for Girl Scouts to gain a deep appreciation for nature—while they develop leadership and social skills. They unleash their potential to become environmental stewards and enhance, positive values, a sense of self, and challenge seeking skills -all while having fun and making friends.
There are lots of ways for Girl Scouts to participate in an outdoor experience. Types of outdoor activities and programs may include:
The online Events Calendar is your source for the most up-to-date information about events you can attend as a troop, with a friend, or as a family.
Many council-sponsored events provide Girl Scouts with experiences in the outdoors and are designed to build their confidence and skills. Trained council staff and program partners guide girls, so they can then continue these activities on their own.
Check it often for updates!
Visit the GSUSA Award and Badge Explorer to find an outdoor badge to complete on your own or with your troop!
Feel the awesome power of viewing the world from the top of a mountain. Find a deeper bond with nature as you venture to places beyond where the roads end. Find your inner strength while walking with only the essentials on your back. Do all of this with the Kentuckiana Girl Scout AT Adventurers!
The AT Adventurers is a Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana tradition, and they have been training "newbies" to hike the Apalachian Trail for over 30 years. Girls receive training during day long workshops and an overnight weekend that will challenge them and prepare them for the rigors of life on trail.
You won’t believe your eyes when you see the natural wonders that await you at Red River Gorge in Slade, Kentucky. For those looking for adventure not too far from home, the Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana Appalachian Trail Adventurers present a weekend of Via Ferrata rock climbing, kayaking the Red River, hiking, and camping. View the majestic cliffs and glittering waters as you test your limits with your fellow Girl Scouts.
Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana
2115 Lexington Road, Louisville, KY 40206
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